Former New York City Emergency Room Nurse

Personal Injury, Car Accidents, Workers’ Compensation, Divorce, Probate and Nursing License Defense Representation throughout New Jersey and New York
The “Most Trusted Profession…”

Kathleen McLaughlin, worked her way through law school while working as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Room at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Trauma Center in New York City. Her invaluable experience spans more than two decades, serving during the AIDS pandemic, on the 1992 Democratic National Convention Medical Team at Madison Square Garden (pictured here) and on September 11, 2001 (9/11) during the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center.
While continuing her work as an ER nurse, Kathleen opened her practice in Red Bank, New Jersey as a Personal Injury attorney in 2002, using her medical knowledge and experience as a foundation for representation of injured clients. Kathleen has successfully expanded her practice to also include Workers’ Compensation, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Probate, Estates, Wills and Nursing License Defense.
With over 20 years of legal experience, Kathleen is known for the unique blending of medical knowledge and legal expertise that enables her to win complicated cases for her clients that other attorneys would not accept. Kathleen consistently provides all clients with personal attention, respect, maximum rewards for their injuries and an overall smoothe transition through the litigation process.

Kathleen Uses a Team Approach with Clients
Kathleen and her clients work as a team to achieve a favorable outcome. She involves and educates clients during every step of litigation and communicates with them on a regular basis by telephone, text and e-Mail.
Kathleen Listens
Clients who suffer an injury, file for Divorce, or who are making their Will, want to tell their story and feel that they are being heard and understood. Assuring the client that they are being listened to, heard and respected, maintains the client’s sense of self and gives them a sense of control in their representation and outcome of their case. Kathleen is consistently accessible to her clients and their families. She encourages clients to contact her on a regular basis by not billing for client phone calls, texts or e-Mails, in order to keep the lines of attorney-client communication open.
How Kathleen Can Help You
- Personal Injury/Slip and Fall/CarAccidents
- Worker’s Compensation
- Divorce /Uncontested Divorce/ Divorce Mediation
- Nursing License Defense
- Estates / Probates / Wills/ Power of Attorney

- Kathleen personally reviews your medical records and case;
- Interprets and explains your X-ray, CT Scan and MRI results;
- Accepts and wins complicated cases rejected by other attorneys;
- Has decades of hands on medical and legal experience enabling her to quickly build a strong case that wins you the just compensation you deserve.

Personal Injury: Kathleen is a motor vehicle accident victim herself... and understands, first hand, her clients’ pain, frustration and fears. By applying her own personal experience with her medical and legal expertise, Kathleen is able to build stong personal injury cases by focusing on immediate injuries suffered by her clients plus the future impact and lifelong effects that these injuries may have on their lives. Kathleen can empathize with your suffering and anticipate the life and financial changes that may follow as the result of a serious injury. Kathleen’s unique appreciation of all that you are going through along with the use of her professional tools prepares her to successfully communicate your individual situation to insurance carriers and the Court to win maximum compensation for your pain, suffering and financial losses and restore your peace of mind.
Workers’ Compensation: Kathleen uses her medical and legal expertise to win awards for injured workers against their employers, third party defendants, third party defendant(s)‘ employers and government entities. A third party is a person other than your employer, who caused your injuries while you were at work. These complaints are filed in Superior Court in New Jersey and in the Supreme Court in New York City and New York State. Complaints against state or government agencies in New Jersey are filed under the New Jersey Tort Claims Act/ Title 59 and in New York, with the New York Court of Claims. Both states require filing within 90 days of the incident. Years of experience working shoulder to shoulder with doctors and other medical experts in New Jersey and New York, has given Kathleen the unique ability to educate those Courts on the nature and severity of her clients’ injuries and achieve maximum compensation as a leading Personal Injury Attorney in Red Bank, New Jersey and throughout New York City.
Divorce/Uncontested Divorce/Divorce Mediation/Fathers’ Rights/Child Support /Alimony Modification: Mother and Fathers’ rights represented for Divorce, Uncontested Divorce, Name Change, Child Support, Custody and Visitation, Modification of Child Support and Alimony. Kathleen is also a professionally trained Divorce Mediator in Red Bank New Jersey and offers “no Court” economical and stress free alternatives to obtaining your Divorce, Child Support, Alimony, Pension Benefits and Marital Property Settlement.
Estates/Probate/Wills: Kathleen values and settles estates for clients following the death of a loved one. She handles the Probating of the Will and obtains Letters Testamentary once the client is appointed Executor of the estate. Kathleen also files Applications for Administrator for clients to administer an intestate estate for clients’ loved ones who pass away without having made a Will. Kathleen further guides clients and families through the often avoided and uncomfortable process of making their own Last Will and Testament.
In the hospital or other healthcare setting, Kathleen creates necessary documents such as the Advance Directive or Living Will and assignment of Health Care Proxy/Personal Representative for Healthcare, to protect the client’s or their loved one’s right to receive or refuse medical treatment. As an experienced frontline health professional and family caregiver, Kathleen also has a unique first hand appreciation of the importance of “having your affairs in order,” before you or your loved one requires in hospital care or is in crisis. With Kathleen’s expert and compassionate support, you and your loved ones can be confident that your financial and healthcare decisions will be as informed and as painless as possible when you are represented by Estates attorney, Kathleen McLaughlin in Red Bank, New Jersey.
Nursing License Defense: Kathleen has also been a practicing Registered Nurse in New Jersey and New York for over 25 years. Her vast and diverse nursing experience in conjunction with her legal expertise provides nurses who are facing disciplinary charges with the New Jersey or New York Boards of Nursing with their best defense to avoid loss of their license. Kathleen is a Fellow of the The American Association of Nurse Attorneys whose legal fees are reimbursed by NSO and most other major Nursing malpractice insurance carriers. If you have been terminated due to alleged negligence, a drug-related infraction in the workplace or have been contacted by your state’s Attorney General’s office to attend an interview or prepare a written statement, contact Kathleen immediately for a telephone consultation at (732) 775-0645 / (718) 644-2074 or
*Our office maintains CDC, state and local guidelines to safely and seamlessly serve our clients. We conduct telephone, virtual and in person consultations with our New Jersey and New York clients.
Free Consultation /Explanation of Medical Records, X-Rays, CT Scan, MRI Results

Meet the Attorney
A car accident victim herself...Kathleen McLaughlin understands firsthand the pain, suffering and fear of financial instability that accompanies a serious injury. She is committed to involving and educating clients during every step of their medical treatment and litigation with her unique balance of “empathy and expertise.”
Client Reviews
I recently retained Kathleen to represent me after being sideswiped by a tractor trailer and sustaining multiple injuries for which I am being diagnosed and treated for. She is special because she is an experienced ER nurse and is able to explain my injuries...
Unfortunately I became acutely ill shortly after my divorce was finalized. I am continuing representation by Kathleen to revise my original Marital (Divorce) Settlement Agreement (MSA) regarding Child Support, Alimony reduction and marital property settlement...
Kathleen was highly recommended to me by a New York attorney for my recently-deceased father's Will and Estate issues over properties in New Jersey and Florida. I am a 24 year old beneficiary and have received compassion, knowledge and guidance from Kathleen...
Kathleen represented me for my divorce in Middlesex County, New Jersey, which was granted within one year, after Early Settlement Panel conferences and Marital Settlement Agreement revisions. Although my ex-wife's and my relationship and negotiating style...
I am a highly experienced middle-aged Registered Nurse who was recently terminated without cause from a New York hospital-affiliated outpatient facility after 11 years of service. I am the "oldest" and "highest paid" member of the nursing staff. I am currently...
Our Addresses

Red Bank, NJ 07701
Get in Touch
Fill out the contact form or call us at (732) 775-0645 or (718) 644-2074 to schedule your free consultation.
Call for Free Consultation Accessible for Injured Clients Home, Hospital & Emergency Appointments Available